Fungal defeat, you can make sure of this curse, that he will bring a lot of inconvenience, first of all, the aesthetics. But, as always, there are modern pharmaceuticals offers a wide number of antifungal agents.

Joseph is a very nasty disease, one that can be overcome in children and adults of any age. Let's see what are the tools that will help you to deal with it.
Nail, joseph at the feet of the which is the best?
Disease, fungal diseases, there is a lot more often. Practically each and every 4 people are infected with the disease, often without even realizing it.
As a general rule, the defeat of a yeast infections do not cause serious harm to human health, but in the manner of the execution occurs in the intoxication of the organism and the toxins they produce.
This may be the cause of the weakening of the immune system and lead to other negative consequences.
That is quite common is the defeat of the fungus from the feet. In addition, the nail and the skin to acquire an ugly view, but it is the treatment of the disease requires a lot of investment in terms of time, effort, and money. But for the run of the disease, in any case, it is possible, if not, it will spread to other areas of the body.
To determine the plan of treatment should be provided to the physician, as well as the elimination of joseph, it is necessary to:
- you can identify the type of the causative agent of the disease
- in the area, and the extent of the injury to the toenail, and then stop
- the condition of the skin
Modern pharmacology offers a wide range of tools for dealing with fungus on the feet.It usually is assigned to a course of treatment, including the following:
- the administration of the drugs, and the anti-fungal nature,
- the use of the medication, the location of the action
- the antibiotics, if it was a bacterial infection
In the early stages of the disease, You can help folk remedies:
- celandine
- garlic
- iodine

In the case of a slight injury -, infection-by-step:
- the wing
- sleep
- creams
- luck
- drops
From the 10th to the 14th day of the treatment, the tool must be changed, as well as the fungus tends to develop resistance to the drugs.
In the form of the disease, the doctor may prescribe antifungal medications in the spectrum.
In some cases, the nail plate, or a part of it, you need to remove the conservative or the surgical procedure.
The best treatment is a holistic approach that includes the simultaneous acquisition of medicines and funds for exterior applications. But it's a self-practice, you don't need. When you find out about the nails, the signs of the loss of a brother joseph, immediately contact your health care provider.
Antifungal medications into the nail of the hand
In our hands, and, in some cases, they may be susceptible to infection by a joseph. The infection that occurs gradually:
- it starts with the itching in the palm of your hand
- it appears as a small rash
- the defeat goes on the nails in the form of points
- maybe it's an inflammation of the nail bed on the couch
The treatment is given after the identification of the pathogen and its sensitivity to the drug. Antifungal medications spectrum can be
the total system of action – shows that when medium-and heavy-duty the early stages of the disease, and only your health care provider:
- executive summary.
- allylamines.
- polity.
the location of the action shall apply for a minor injury to nail plate. They are then released in the form of:

- the spray is more effective as a preventive agent
- solution to penetrate deep into the plaque, contributing to the high concentration of medicinal substances
- the cream not only to heal, but it is softer on the skin and around the plate
- the varnish shows only in the early stages of the disease
The treatment of fungus of the nails of the hands requires patience, as it takes at least 2 months.
Keep in mind that to comply with the rules of personal hygiene, along with a strong immune system, and reducing the risk of infection and joseph.
Modern pharmacology offers a very wide selection of medications for the treatment of fungal infections. What is the most effective way?
However, we know that the treatment of the disease, you should assign your doctor. And it is independent of the choice of the drugs is not only ineffective, but also dangerous for your health. The best thing the middle of the nail, joseph at the feet, according to the experts, it is the prevention of the disease:
- please follow the rules of hygiene
- don't use strange stuff
- do not use the tight shoes and
- when the excessive sweating on the feet, then use all the sprays and special
- at the nail salon on Friday, make sure that all the devices have been sanitized
Antifungal drugs in pregnancy and lactation
Many a times, the drug has a number of side-effects. Thus, women in pregnancy or breast-feeding you should carefully approach the choice of drugs, in order not to harm the baby.
Important note: the Majority of the physicians tend to the view that in the period of pregnancy for the treatment of infections of yeast is better not to carry out, as soon as the disease is not dangerous to the life, and the risk to the child of a drug is very high.
However, in some cases, the doctors recommend a treatment of drugs, and the location steps of:
- Polish
- the ointment
- creams
You can also use popular methods of treatment of joseph. Every day, oil to the affected areas:

- birch tar
- a mixture consisting of honey, eucalyptus oil, and vinegar
- tea tree oil
- splash of garlic,
- iodine
In fact, the use of the local bins:
- with the addition of the vinegar, and potassium permanganate
- of baking soda cost about the soap
- the juice of the bark of the oak tree, calendula, and blessing, and at the base of the horse's
Before you can use any of the tools, please consult with your doctor. Not necessarily, You should strictly follow the hygiene, and then do the following:
- before feeding the child wash hands with soap and water (from an economic or tar.)
- time to do a pedicure and manicure, removing of the affected areas of the nail
Antifungal nail Polish for kids
If You find out that your child, change the color or the shape of the nail plate, do not put off a visit to the doctor. At the time they began treatment, with the promise that the disease will not be over-heavy for the stage.
Usually, when the treatment of joseph's children are attributed to the medicines of the local application:
- antifungals-ointment for bifonazole and clotrimazole
- the coatings and adhesives with a content of ciclopiroxolamine
- drops loceryl
- baths with broth of herbs (the flowers of the calendula, oak bark)
- applications, from a single piece of stem, that Kalanchoe is affected by one of joseph's nails
In addition, during the treatment, the child will pass the complete removal of your stuff:
- shoes
- toys
- the dish
- underwear
- dress
Do not let the sickness of your scraps things take their course, to prevent the spread of the body.
An anti-fungal nail Polish
Anti-fungal drugs in the form of a varnish is applicable only when, in the early stages of the development of the disease, or if there are any counter-indications to its interior, with the purchase of prescription drugs. These drugs have a number of advantages:
- well to soften the plate of the nail, which allows the penetration of medicinal substances in an increase in the concentration of the
- penetrate even into the small cracks, nail plate
- drought is preventing the entry of oxygen by joseph
Painting, or you need to be, every day, 2 or 3 times a week, according to the giving of the instruction. We've listed a few general recommendations for the use of such a tool.
- well, steam, the nails are affected by the a joseph
- dry it with the help of a cocktail napkin
- remove the affected areas of the fabric, using a nail file
- to clean, wipe the surface of the nail for some degreasing means
- then apply the varnish
- before a new dry layer of varnish to maintain
- the treatment needs to continue until it does not re-grow a new healthy nail
An ointment and a cream for the nails to joseph's feet
In the treatment of fingernail and joseph are used in creams and ointments the outside of the steps. The benefits of the use of these drugs is to:

- in order to ensure a high degree of concentration in the application of the product in area that is exposed
- the hydration and softening of the skin around the nail
Topical creams and anti-fungal are divided into different groups on the basis of the active component:
- asalouye – they have a wide range of measures that have the effect of a fungicide
- allylamine – is also effective in the fight against yeast infections. After the end of the treatment, the concentration of the drug for some time is saved, thus reducing the figure of recurrence
The choice of medication depends on the type of pathogen, and is determined by your doctor. Polishes and creams, as well as other drugs, and the location of the action, you are assigned to does not perform the stages of the loss of a joseph, and the processing system.
The basic principle is the use of drugs:
- to steam feet in soap–soda water
- apply it on the nails of the affected particular adhesive otslaivayutsya steps
- remove as many as possible of the infected nail
- pat dry with a clean kitchen towel, wipe your feet
- apply an ointment or cream
Keep in mind that some types of ointments, are not recommended for use during pregnancy, and it's for the children. Before use, read through the instruct.
Antifungal tablets for toenails
A therapy that is effective against fungus on the nails, it is the intake of oral anti-fungal pills, and the so-called azole antifungals. The use of these tools in order to ensure the eradication of the nasty disease that is almost 100% of the time. But you take it without the doctor's recommendation, and in any case, it is not possible, treatment is given to a specialist.

The shapes of the intake of the drug may be different:
- daily use for several months
- "pulse" therapy, in which, after a week of taking the medication, it should be a three-week break
Depending on the chemical composition and the spectrum of action of anti-fungal medicines are divided into different groups:
- polity – (a) have a high level of activity
- overview – assigned to the care of the mucous membranes, the hairy parts of the body, the herpes
- allylamine – it shows when you recently
- the other groups have a narrow field of application, it is attributed to severe forms of the disease
In the treatment of anti-fungal tablets, it is very important not to break the layout of the reception, and was assigned a doctor. As well as the lack of the use of the drug, or the passage may lead to a relapse.
Keep in mind that some medications may have contra-indications and side-effects. Therefore, please familiarize yourself with the giving of the instruction. You might have a target of a drug while avoiding toxicity.
For antifungal medications for toenails
Often, antifungal medications, which are assigned to a doctor at affordable prices for everyone. However, the treatment is to carry out the necessary. We will show you how to get rid of the problem of the disease, such as the joseph of the nails, without spending a lot of money.

Among the oral drugs, by fighting the infection from the inside out, it may be noted that drugs on the substance of Fluconazole is that, with its low price, it is a very effective way.
In the early stages of the disease, you can help it don't means, that its performance is not inferior to specialized:
- iodine
- the hydrogen peroxide
- a solution of potassium permanganate
- fukortsin
- the powder of boric acid
The data of the drugs, it is necessary to lubricate the patient's nails on a daily basis in the morning and in the evening. For the softening and removal of the victim from the stratum corneum, at a time of high-cost medicines that you can use nogteva.
Well, in such cases, it helps to cook your feet in the water, sabãom solution. As you can see, the treatment can be made available. The choice is up to you.
Ammonia, nail, joseph
A low-cost, yet effective methods to deal with the phenomena to be unpleasant, like the joseph of the capuchin, is a solution of ammonia or ammonium. On the application of the medicine has been known for a long time, but it will help you to get rid of the mold, I don't know it all. And, in fact, it is a powerful antiseptic, is the tool for you.
Use of ammonia in the antifungal therapy may be different:

- how to compress (make a solution of ammonia and water in a ratio of 1:10, the use of a hard disk or flexible, and is placed to hit, the nail. Roll up in plastic wrap, leave it on during the night).
- tray the feet or the hands, with 3 parts water, 1 part ammonia to 1 part hydrogen peroxide
- the processing of the nail plate with a solution of ammonia ice, vodka, glycerin, and water
However, please note that the solution of the ammonia for the treatment of the nail bed from joseph, it is only an aid. The main therapy is not a substitute.